At the Shushinkan Nihonbashi Dojo, permanently located in Nihonbashi (Namba), Osaka, you can experience the unique and authentic swordsmanship of Shushin-ryu Iaijutsu Hyoho, which does not compromise the sword or use force.


Please experience the unique swordsmanship that Isao Machii, the founder of Shushin-ryu Iaijutsu Hyoho, has been studying for many years and that you will never be able to experience anywhere else.

The precise and advanced instructional techniques allow even first-time sword users to cut through tatami mats Even women who are not very strong can learn with ease. Even women who are not strong enough can learn with confidence.


We also teach those who have trouble cutting through the blade, regardless of the school. In addition, as an inbound business, we hope to play a role in spreading knowledge of samurai etiquette, correct swordsmanship, and Japanese kobudo to foreign visitors to Japan.


We are also available for consultation with travel agencies and tour planners, so please feel free to contact us.

Price List for Trial cutting and Iaijutsu

Standard Trial cutting experience Course

About 60 minutes per person, 3 tatami mats, 22,000 yen (tax included)

Instruction will be provided by Shunya Machii or a Shushinryu disciple.

Additional tatami mats will be charged at 1,100 yen per mat.



Trial cutting experience Special Course

About 60 minutes, 3 Tatami mats per person, 44,000 yen (tax included)

Instruction will be provided by Isao Machii, founder of Shushinryu Iaijutsu Hyoho.

Additional tatami mats are available for an additional 1,100 yen per mat.



Iaijutsu Trial Course

About 60 minutes, 22,000 yen (tax included)

Instruction will be given by Shunya Machii or a Shushinryu disciple.



Iaijutsu Special Trial Course

About 60 minutes, 44,000 yen (tax included)

Instruction will be provided by Isao Machii, founder of Shushinryu Iaijutsu Hyoho.



Try on Japanese Armor

About 30 minutes, 22,000 yen (tax included)

Experience the feeling of wearing Japanese armor in the traditional way.



Iaijutsu One-Day Training Course

A full day of 8 hours of full-fledged Iaijutsu training.

330,000 yen per person (tax included)

165,000 yen per person for two people

110,000 yen per person for three people (tax included)

33,000 yen (tax included) per person for a group of 10 or more

We recommend that you take the course in a group of several people.

For groups of more than 10 people, we will change the training location to a gymnasium or other location for instruction.


Trial cutting, Iaijutsu, and trying on armor


町井勲と和月伸宏が熱く語る! 初の共著『最強のすすめ』
町井勲×和月伸宏 『最強のすすめ ~日本刀が教えてくれた日本人の生き方~』

修心流居合術兵法創流者、町井勲と、漫画「るろうに剣心」の作者、和月伸宏が熱く語る、初の共著書『最強のすすめ ~日本刀が教えてくれた日本人の生き方~』宝島社より発売中!!

 月刊『秘伝』2016年11月号 “斬れ者”たちの新・日本刀論
月刊『秘伝』2016年11月号 “斬れ者”たちの新・日本刀論


◆ 最新ニュース









毎日放送『ミント!』“アジアンのぶらパト” に町井勲館長が出演。大阪豊中岡町道場が紹介されました。


BS朝日『京都ぶらり歴史探訪』 町井勲館長が出演され、刀剣解説を行わました。


朝日放送『スンゲー父ちゃんと家族たち エキセントリックパパ』 に町井勲館長が出演されました。


◆2019.4.27 O.A

フジテレビ ホンキで弟子入り「免許皆伝」に町井勲館長が出演。ABC-Z塚田僚一さんに一ヶ月間指導。


O.Aされた味覚党 『コロロ』 CMにて、町井勲館長が三代目 J SOUL BROTHERS from EXILE TRIBE、EXILEのメンバーである岩田剛典氏に抜付指導を行いました。


フジテレビ 『でんじろうのTHE実験』 ~2時間SP~ に町井勲館長が出演。 時速1,440キロで発射されるピンポン球の居合斬りに成功しました。

